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Every day is Earth Day at the PUD

On April 22, 1970, over 25 million Americans took part in the first Earth Day events, including a march in Washington, DC. As a result of the first Earth Day, the Environmental Protection Agency was formed, and the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts were signed.

Today, we must continue to focus our attention on our environment and improve the habitat in which we live. There is more information available today than ever before on environmental issues.

At the PUD, every day is Earth Day. One of our core goals centers on our environment. We have a variety of residential and commercial/industrial programs and services that benefit our environment and the Earth’s limited resources:

Energy education/programs & Energy Hotline

Energy education programs and resources are available to local schools. Our Energy Hotline (425-783-1700) is a resource for anyone who needs energy tips.

Fish and wildlife management

The Jackson Hydro Project environmental coordinators work to improve, enhance and protect the fish and wildlife habitats in the Sultan Basin area surrounding the Jackson Project.

Water quality improvements

To provide quality water, expansion of the water system to the Lake Roesiger area included mandated water conservation and installation of aeration facilities in Lake Roesiger. A new water line in Granite Falls area has eliminated the problem of arsenic in the water.

Spada Lake Reservoir recreational sites

Day-use recreation sites around Spada Lake Reservoir for public use include restrooms, picnic tables, walking paths and boat ramps.

Electric and magnetic fields (EMF)

The PUD contributes to EMF research, provides customers and employees factual and up-to-date scientific information about power-line EMF and human health, and offers free magnetic field demonstrations to property owners interested in learning more about the magnetic field environment near their homes. If you have a question about EMF, please use our email feedback area to send us your question.

Check out the work done by our Environmental Affairs Department