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Major reliability projects

The PUD has a commitment to ensuring reliable service and these major projects help make that happen.

Arlington Microgrid

This innovative project provides emergency power through a battery storage system, solar power, vehicle-to-grid charging, and a Clean Energy Center to keep the public informed of new technologies in the energy field.
The future is here! >

Connect Up program

This infrastructure and new technology project will enhance the PUD's operational efficiencies while providing customers with more robust outage details, greater flexibility with billing options and enhanced PUD notifications.
What is in store and when >

Energy storage

In earlier days, utilities could generate power but not store it for use in emergencies. New technology provides a solution!
The benefits of energy storage >


Always interested in alternative power sources, the PUD has done research in tidal and geothermal power sources.
Find out more! >

The PUD's SnoSMART project

A generational leap forward in reliability and grid modernization