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Rooftop solar

Solar equipment is more affordable than ever. With a rooftop PV system, PUD customers can generate their own clean, renewable energy. We’re here to help you get started.

Take note!

Your PUD does NOT contract with door-to-door solar representatives or contractors. Please visit our fact/fiction page for more important solar information.

Getting started with rooftop solar

Whether you're a solar contractor, a DIYer, or a customer new to PV systems, we're here to help with education and resources.

More solar options & resources

Existing solar customers

Details on production incentives, your energy bill & more.
Learn more >

Community Solar

Learn about the Arlington Microgrid Community Solar site and a project in the works for South Everett.
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More renewable options

Rooftop not right for you? Explore other ways to get involved with renewables.
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