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Community Energy Fund

Established in 1982, this primarily customer-funded program has paid out more than $3 million to assist local people in need. Formerly known as Project PRIDE, the program was renamed Community Energy Fund in October 2024.

I just wanted to extend our heartfelt thanks for paying our PUD bill. We are so thankful and can breathe a little easier now.

– Community Energy Fund recipient


Families or individuals whose income is less than 200% of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible to apply. Customers must have their most recent PUD bill and income documentation for the previous 30 days.

How to apply

Community Energy Fund is managed by our partners at St. Vincent de Paul. To see if you qualify for assistance, call them at 425-374-1243 or click here to learn more or download an application.

Community Energy Fund logo: Helping Neighbors in NeedCommunity Energy Fund is primarily funded by contributions from PUD customers. Funds provide one-time grants for families and individuals who need help paying their energy bills.

Help others by contributing to the Community Energy Fund >

I would like to thank you all for your support towards me during my lowest moments. You don’t know the positive impact it has created in me. I’ll forever be at the forefront in helping when I am blessed.

– Community Energy Fund recipient