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"Remember me" will keep you logged in and will store your User ID on the computer you are using. Do NOT use this feature on public computers (such as those in a library, hotel, or internet cafe).

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Payment options

We offer a variety of convenient, secure payment options — all with zero extra fees.

Pay online

Sign into MySnoPUD to make payments, view current and past bills, check your account balance, and monitor your usage. It’s free to use, and available anytime from anywhere.

Payment types: Visa and Mastercard credit/debit card, check
Prepaid credit cards are not accepted

Sign in  Make a one-time payment

Pay by phone

Call us toll-free 24-hours a day to make a fast and easy payment. Please have your bill and bank or credit card information ready when you call.


Payment types: Visa and Mastercard credit/debit card, check
Prepaid credit cards are not accepted

Pay by mail

Your bill comes with a self-addressed return envelope for your convenience. Please include your PUD bill payment slip to avoid any delays in processing your payment.

Make check or money order payable to: Snohomish PUD

PO Box 1100
Everett, WA 98206-1100

Payment types: Check, money order, cashier check

Pay in person

Search the map to find the payment station closest to you. Past-due payments and reconnection fees can only be paid at open PUD offices (Snohomish and Stanwood are currently closed).

Payment types: Inquire with business