To apply for assistance from Project PRIDE, please click here.
Donate to Project PRIDE
When you sign up to support Project PRIDE, 100% of your tax-deductible donation is used to provide one-time grants for families and individuals who need help paying their energy bills. All donations are sent to St. Vincent de Paul for distribution to eligible recipients.
Thank you so much
This is such a huge help especially with school starting back and all things needed for 3 kiddos.
– Project PRIDE recipient
Donate to Project PRIDE
* indicates required field. Donations will appear as a line item on your future bills.
I had to have emergency surgery and have no health insurance.
After I was laid off last year, I couldn’t afford to keep paying for insurance. I have finally found a part-time job, but it doesn’t have insurance so I’m still paying off my bills. Project PRIDE helped me catch up on my electric bill. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
– Danni S.