Outages & safety
Outage Center
Need-to-know information during a power event. Find links to our outage map and don't forget to follow us on social media for the latest news.
While we strive to provide continuous electric service, we cannot guarantee occasional power outages or failures won’t occur.
Customers dependent on power for life-support equipment should have a backup plan for power outages. It’s critical that customers using special medical equipment at home, such as respirators, consider purchasing a backup generator and/or have contingency plans in place. Set up plans with friends or relatives to get to a site with electricity and/or identify emergency centers at local social service agencies and churches.
Please check out this area! It offers vital info about preventing outages and events that can cause severe damage.
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Staying safe
Great info to review and remember. Modern life offers many conveniences but some can put us in danger.
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For PUD water customers
What to do if you have a water emergency or interruption in service.
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