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Connecting your own generation

We want to ensure that our customers’ electrical generating equipment is interconnected with our electric distribution system in a manner that’s safe and reliable. We have several customer-generation interconnection tracks tailored specifically to generator type, purpose and size.

Generation under 100 kW

Net Metering (for generators below 100 kilowatts)
Most PUD customers receive all of their electricity from the PUD. However, a few customers are able to generate electricity using environment-friendly methods. Our Net Metering Program allows these customers to “store” electricity generated in excess of their immediate needs with the PUD for use at some future time.

Click here to learn more about net metering

Generation over 100 kW

Standby Generation
PUD customers who wish to interconnect standby or emergency generation must adhere to the PUD’s Electrical Service Requirements  before operating in parallel with the electric system. You will need the following:

Parallel Interconnected Generators (100 kW to 2 MW)
Distributed generation (DG) customers interconnecting commercial generators to the PUD’s electric distribution system must follow a specific process in order to be granted the authorization to operate and interconnect to the grid. Examples of parallel interconnected generators include: biogas, biomass, solar, wind and battery storage.

PUD’s parallel interconnection process includes:

  • PUD New Commercial Service Application – see link above
  • PUD Customer Generation Preliminary Application – see link above
  • PUD Customer Generation Final Application – see link above
  • System Impact Study and associated Agreement – see sample
  • Interconnection Facility Study and associated Agreement – see study sample
  • PUD Interconnection Agreement
  • PUD facilities and distribution system upgrades
  • Generator-specific Testing and Startup Procedures
  • PUD Letter to Authorize Parallel Operation

Please review the Generation Interconnection Overview flow chart for additional information. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Interconnected generators ranging from 100 kilowatts to 2 megawatts intended to operate commercially may be eligible to participate in the PUD’s Small Renewables Program. View sample small renewables power purchase agreement.

In addition to the PUD’s generator interconnection process for parallel generators, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) may also require the customer to follow the BPA Small Generator Interconnection Procedures (SGIP).

To the extent possible, PUD staff will work with the customer to help ensure that the PUD and the BPA interconnection processes run concurrently. The estimated timeframe to complete the required process/procedures can range from 12 to 36 months, depending on project complexity. Customers are encouraged to engage with the PUD and BPA as early as possible in project planning. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Parallel Interconnected Generators (greater than 2 MW)
The interconnection process for projects larger than 2 megawatts will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us at if this is of interest.

Modeling Data Requirements and Procedures (MOD-032)

In order to efficiently coordinate with neighboring utilities and meet NERC standard MOD-032, any interconnections with the Snohomish PUD system must meet the requirements outlined in the Modeling Data Requirements and Procedures standards. These standards outline what components of customer projects need to be modeled and how Snohomish PUD uses these models to coordinate with a variety of entities.