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Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)

The IRP is a long-term strategy for the PUD’s power resources to support a changing environment, customer needs, regulatory compliance, and resource availability. It is updated every two years.

Binoculars and clean energy

The 2023 IRP Update was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on Dec 19, 2023 after a roughly year-long public process. The 2023 IRP Update is intended to be a narrowly scoped update to the comprehensive 2021 IRP and involved discussions with PUD and external stakeholders, several phases of analysis and new results that differ from previous IRPs.

The 2023 IRP Update ensures sufficient resources are available at the lowest cost to meet the PUD’s future needs amid a changing energy and regulatory environment through the 2024 to 2045 study period.

Contrary to a typical update cycle, the scale of changes in the 2023 Update are large. Many variables have seen significant changes and there are additional key questions explored by this update. Important elements reflected in the update include a significant increase to the load forecast, increasing market price forecast, decreasing supply-side resource costs and more. In particular, the two most significant variable changes are an increased load forecast due to electrification and the Federal Government’s Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) cost-reduction effects on certain supply-side resources.

The 2023 Update confirms that the PUD will meet its long-term load service needs by adding only carbon-free energy resources to its power portfolio, helping it remain a regional leader as it seeks to meet and exceed regulatory requirements. It also prioritizes flexibility in a period of significant industry change.

The PUD utilized an extensive public process to inform the development of the 2023 IRP Update. This process is intended to understand the perspectives of customers, incorporate analysis of interest to customers, and provide transparency for customers throughout the planning process. The team hosted open houses, virtual meetings, and engaged with customers at the PUD’s inaugural Energy Block Party.

The 2023 Update, 2021 IRP and 2021 CEIP are all available below.

View Final 2023 IRP >

View Final 2021 IRP >

View Final 2021 CEIP >


Garrison Marr
(M-F, 8 am to 5 pm)