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Meter reading

Your meter is read every month. Learn more about how to read meters and our meter reading process.

Electric meters

Learn the difference between analog and digital electric meters.
Learn to read meter dials >

Water meters

Learn how to read your water meter.
Learn more >

Meter photo submissions

To avoid an estimated meter read, you can upload a photo of your meter.
Learn how to upload your photo >

Meter access & dogs

In order to provide electric/water service to you, the PUD has the right to access the meter(s) on your property.
Meter access is required by state law >

Meter poles

Wondering who is responsible for meter poles on your property?
Learn more >

Estimated meter reads

In certain situations, the PUD needs to estimate your meter reading.
Why estimate a meter reading? >

TruCheck meter readers

After moving to monthly billing in 2016, the PUD contracted with TruCheck to read about half of the PUD’s electric meters. All TruCheck employees drive vehicles and wear uniforms (red or white polo shirts) marked with the TruCheck logo and the PUD logo along with the words “Authorized Contractor.” (Please see the photos below.) They also have a PUD badge with their photo. Due to route efficiency and planning, customers cannot request a specific employee or company read their meter.

TruCheck vehicle signage says in black, red, and white text "TruCheck Utility Metering Solutions, Meter Reading, Authorized Contractor" with the Snohomish County PUD logo
TruCheck vehicle signage
TruCheck employee uniform is a red polo or yellow rain jacket with Meter Reader printed on the back
TruCheck employee uniform