Meter poles
You might have seen poles like this in your neighborhood, but did you know they are customer-owned? We want to help clear up some common misconceptions about meter poles and what to do if a pole replacement is needed.
- The pole and equipment on it are owned by the customer. The PUD only owns the wire that attaches to the top of the pole and the meter itself. So the customer is responsible for maintenance and replacement of the pole.
- Customers can set their own poles for meters if they choose, but PUD lineworkers are the only ones qualified to disconnect or connect the line-side power to the pole. The line-side power is the wire that comes from the PUD electric grid and provides power to the pole.
- If a pole needs replacement, the customer is responsible for obtaining a replacement. The PUD can set a new one for a fee. The local area PUD Designer is the customer contact for determining fees.
- ALL customers replacing a pole should work with their local area PUD Designer before getting started to ensure requirements are met. Please contact Customer Service to get the correct PUD designer contact information.
For more information about meter pole requirements, please review Section 3 of our Electrical Service Requirements.