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PUD squirrel mascot zap holds "be safe" signStorm season is upon us!

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According to the Guinness Book of World Records, how wide was the world’s largest snowflake?

Your answer: 6 inches

Nope, although all snowflakes do have 6 sides or arms. Guess again!

Your answer: 9 inches

No, although you are close. Think just a little bigger...

Your answer: 15 inches

You got it! According to Guinness, the world’s largest snowflake drifted down on Fort Keogh, Montana on January 28, 1887. Witnesses claimed the flake was 15” wide and several inches thick – that’s as big as a pizza pan.

Your answer: 21.5 inches

Good for you for going big! Incorrect, but guess again.

35˚ Scattered Clouds
Everett, WA

35° Fog


34° Broken Clouds


34° Scattered Clouds