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In our communities

In the 70-plus years we’ve been your public-power provider, we’ve seen a lot of change. One thing that’s stayed true through the decades is that nothing matters more than community.

News & community stories

Catch the latest press releases, customer publications and community stories from Team PUD.
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Looking for something to do? Check out this list of local happenings.
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Education resources

Education is energizing! We offer free, high-quality programs for local students and teachers.
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Help a neighbor in need

Your tax-deductible donations to the Community Energy Fund directly benefit local people in need.
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Connect with us!
5K/10K Run for Warmth
A fun way to assist the Community Energy Fund, a PUD program helping those struggling to pay energy bills.
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Power Talks
Free online get-togethers with PUD experts to talk popular energy topics. Questions welcome!
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Check out our Little Free Libraries

PUD Community Offices in Lynnwood and Monroe feature Little Free Libraries. They are stocked with donated books, science kits and special giveaway items for community members.

The library cases were generously built, painted and installed as part of an Eagle Scout project in September 2020.

Little Free Libraries is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading, builds community and sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges around the world. With the help of Little Free Library neighborhood kiosks, millions of books are exchanged each year, profoundly increasing access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds.

We appreciate the skill and generosity of the local Eagle Scout and are thrilled to host the Little Free Libraries. Come check them out!