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Environmental commitment

Every day is Earth Day

One of our core goals centers on the environment. We offer resources to the public and have a team of experts working to protect our precious habitat every day.
Learn more >

Climate Change Policy

Our Commissioners recognized that climate change is a serious global problem.
View details >

Environmental stewardship

Careful planning goes into everything we do as we work to protect wildlife, fish and avian habitats.
Here's what we do >


Here is where you will find our State Environmental Protection Agency compliance documents.
Review the files >

Environmental goals & values

The PUD’s Mission Statement is to make a difference in our customers’ lives by safely providing quality products and services in a cost-effective and environmentally sound manner. There are many ways we strive to meet this mission.

One of our primary goals is to be sensitive to the natural environment in our planning, construction and operations. We value and promote a safe workplace and a healthy and safe environment for our employees and customers. Valuing clean air, clean water, and responsible resource use helps ensure a healthy and safe environment for all.

The PUD:

  • Encourages waste reduction, conservation and recycling
  • Introduces new energy-efficient products and services
  • Applies current science and technology to managing its own generation facilities
  • Directly invests in new, local, environmentally sound energy technologies, including geothermal, tidal, and solar
  • Supports the endeavors of associations, public entities and individuals regarding pro-environmental and conservation efforts

The PUD is committed to continuous improvement throughout the organization and strives to be a leader among utilities in environmental responsibility.

Walking the talk

Our environmental efforts include:

  • Our new buildings target to exceed energy code standards for efficiency by 10%
  • The Energy Control & Data Center has achieved LEED Gold status for its green building construction and operations
  • Energy-efficiency best practices are in place at other PUD sites, including the Water Operations Building and the PUD’s Lynnwood office
  • Since 2008, the utility has reduced energy use at its facilities by more than 10% – or more than 1 million kilowatt-hours of savings annually
  • Occupancy sensors in meeting rooms, energy-efficient lighting and daylighting reduce energy usage
  • Efficient parking lot lights and occupancy sensors are installed at multiple outdoor sites
  • Upgrades to HVAC systems and controls maximize efficiency at PUD facilities
  • Solar demonstration projects at the Everett and Lynnwood offices
  • Use of native and drought-tolerant plants have reduced water use and landscape maintenance costs