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Meter photo submission

If you go to our special Meter Reading site and identify your home address, you will find what dates you can submit a photo of your meter for the next billing period.

Sending a photo of your meter:

  • ELECTRIC METERS: Find your electric meter (see sample photos below). Most are connected to the home on the side or front and look like the meters pictured below. Solar customers have special photo requirements (see below). Take a clear photo of the front of your meter. Make sure the dials or digital display are clear and the meter number is visible.
  • WATER METERS: We need two photos of your water meter (see sample photos below). Most water meters are located in the front yard close to the sidewalk/street, usually by the property line. One photo needs to be of the meter lid that has a clear image of your meter number. The other photo needs to be with the lid opened that includes a clear image of the meter read number.
  • Click on the button below to access the Meter Reading site and submit your photo(s).

Go to meter photo submission site >

*When Accessing your Water Meter, Safety First!
We don’t encourage customers to take a photo due to safety concerns. But if you would like to do so, please:

  • Make sure there is adequate lighting
  • Make sure the ground and meter are free from debris
  • Consider wearing gloves and use a knee rest or knee protectors
  • Use proper lifting techniques: using your legs and not your back when lifting the lid
  • Understand that some water meter lids are too heavy and this task should be done by utility crews only
Digital Meter Analog meter
Digital meter Analog meter


Solar customer photos

Most solar customers have 2 meters (production & net) to photograph. No matter the number of meters, solar customers need to take 2 photos of each meter. The display will cycle through different displays. Please photograph both the “01” and “02” displays of each meter. See samples below.

Production meter display 01 sample:
Solar production meter
Production meter display 02 sample:
Solar production meter 2
Net meter display 01 sample:
Net meter 1
Net meter display 02 sample:
Net meter 2


Water customer photos

Water meter lid closed (meter number)
Water meter (lid closed)
Water meter lid open (meter reading)
Water meter (lid open)