Water Service
We provide safe, reliable water from Spada Lake Reservoir to approximately 23,000 customers. Have general questions about your water service? Call us at 425-397-3000 (M-F, 7:30 am to 4 pm)
If your water service stops:
Please contact customer service at 425-783-1000.
Water Service installation
Please note, the Water Availability letter for new water service is currently being updated. If you need a Water Availability letter, please call 425-397-3000.
If you’re connecting to PUD water, please consider the following information:
- If you have an existing source of water (a well or spring), and you want PUD water service, State Department of Health regulations require that you physically disconnect your home’s plumbing from the well, and that the well remain disconnected from the residence’s plumbing. This is to prevent accidental contamination of the PUD’s water system from contaminated water sources. The PUD must inspect to verify the disconnection. Per state law, a shutoff valve or quick reconnect/disconnect fittings are not approved as potable water separation devices. Your existing water source may be retained for non-potable uses such as outdoor water use (lawns, livestock, car washing).
- During the transfer of service from your existing water source to the PUD water system, your home will be without water for a brief time. Because of this, you should not disconnect your existing supply until we have confirmed a time that your meter will be installed and ready for use.
- After your meter is installed, you will need to install a service line from your home to the meter. Your meter will include a 5-foot section of copper pipe for you to connect your service line to. Do not remove this pipe but make your connection to it. Call Water Resources (see phone number to the right) to schedule an appointment for a cross-connection inspection (if you already have another source of water) and/or to “turn on” your water meter. Appointment times for final inspection and connections are limited and will be available weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The PUD will endeavor to meet your schedule; however, due to that day’s work schedule; it may not always be possible.
Suggested meter location
We will make every effort to place your meter where you want it located; however, the PUD considers other constraints (access, conflicting utilities, wetlands, and physical barriers) in locating your meter. To help us, please drive the provided stake into the ground where you would like your meter installed. Factors to consider when choosing a water meter location include:
- Common property corners, where adjacent property owners could share the cost of installation of water service lines in one trench. (Groups of owners may obtain favorable pricing if one contractor is hired to install several service lines in the same neighborhood). This is the preferred location for the PUD. Property owners may need a utility easement if shared trenches cross others’ property.
- The meter location should be approximately 7 feet to the side of the driveway for an individual service line (to prevent meter box from being driven over and damaged).
- The meter location must be at least 10 feet from your septic drain field (to prevent wastewater from entering your water line in the event of a break, leak or drain field repair). Contact Snohomish County Health District at 425-339-5250 for its requirements.
- Choose a path that would avoid crossing asphalt or concrete driveways and large tree roots. Also, consider physical barriers and future plans for construction or earthwork.
- Consider any other underground wires or pipes that may conflict with your water line at a later date.
Installation and depth of burial
- It is the property owner’s obligation to connect the copper pipe to your service line. The size of the copper pipe will be either ¾” or 1”, depending on the meter size you request.
- Install a service line that is a minimum of 24” deep to prevent freezing and to minimize the possibility of accidental “dig ups.”
- Do not install in contact with or near large rocks or solid objects (foundation footings). As water flows in a pipe, it moves or vibrates; and over the years a large rock can wear a hole in the best of pipes. Also, as your pipe is buried, be sure that large rocks are not placed so they are in direct contact with the pipe (keep 6” or more away from the pipe).
- If possible, keep away from roots of trees. As the tree grows, roots put pressure on the pipe and can lead to a broken service line.
Pressure-reducing valve
Depending on the pressure at your meter, the PUD may install (at the customer’s expense) a pressure-reducing valve at the meter. You may install a backup pressure-reducing valve at your home if you wish.
Pipe material
Always choose the highest available pressure-rated pipe and fittings. The service line belongs to you, so you do not want to repair leaks in a few years.
- Schedule 80 PVC, 20’ lengths, glued joints and fittings – extra heavy-duty water service line (be sure to use proper glue and primer and keep joints clean and dry while gluing – applies to all PVC water line materials).
- Schedule 40 PVC, 20’ lengths, glued joints and fittings – heavy-duty water service line.
- Class 200 PVC, 20’ lengths, glued joints and fittings – average-duty water service line.
- Class 200 Polyethylene, black, 100 – 300 foot roll lengths, mechanical joint, compression, insert fittings with hose clamps – more expensive than PVC; brass (not galvanized) compression fittings recommended for long-term reliability – heavy-duty water service line.
- Other material as approved by Snohomish County Department of Planning and Community Development such as CPVC, copper (hard or soft).
Service line size
The size of the service line from the meter to the residence depends on the distance and change in elevation. The pipe should be no smaller than 1″, which is normally sufficient for service lines less than 100 feet long. If your service line is more than 150′ long, we recommend use of at least 1 ½” service line. The PUD Water Resources representative can help you with sizing your service line.
Chlorination and fluoridation
The majority of water supplied to PUD’s water customers is chlorinated and fluoridated, so if you have tropical fish or allergies, plan accordingly. This level of water treatment will not affect house plants. The PUD does have some satellite water systems where the water is not fluoridated. The PUD Water Resources representative can inform you as to whether your water is fluoridated.
Helpful info for water customers
Water fill stations
PUD has three water fill stations.
A refundable key deposit of $275 is required with all fill station permit purchases. The key deposit is refunded when the key is returned.
Permit choices:
One day, limited to 2,500 gallons: $35 plus key deposit
One month, limited to 10,000 gallons: $75 plus key deposit
Six months, limited to 60,000 gallons: $300 plus key deposit
To purchase a permit, print and fill out this form. Bring it with payment to our Water Operations Center:
3301 Old Hartford Road
Lake Stevens, WA 98258