Jackson Project
Fish Program

This program:
- Monitors populations of resident fish in Spada Lake Reservoir, as well as anadromous fish in the Sultan River
- Controls river flows and water temperatures to provide suitable habitat conditions for both resident and anadromous fish including four species of salmon and steelhead trout
- Monitors habitat conditions and documents fish distribution and use
- Enhances and restores habitat through flow releases and on-the-ground projects
Since issuance of the new license in September 2011, the PUD has enhanced Sultan River habitat and access through a number of environmental projects which include:
2012: Modified a natural landslide in the Sultan River near Marsh Creek that blocked access to migrating fish.
2012: Restored and enhanced over 11,400 lineal feet of side channel habitat along the lower Sultan River to provide additional habitat for rearing salmonids. The effort included installation of eight engineered log jams, boulder and large woody debris placement, and riparian plantings.
2016: Created fish passage at the City of Everett’s Diversion Dam to allow migratory fish access to the reach above the dam. Coho spawned 5 miles upstream after 2 weeks of the project being completed.
2018: Commissioned the water temperature conditioning structure at Culmback Dam to seasonally provide water temperatures into the upper reach that are preferred by target fish species and life stages.
Related information
Water Temperature Conditioning Project
January 2019
Diversion Dam Volitional Fish Passage Project
April 2017
Sultan River Fall Chinook chart
Population survey, updated 5/19
Video of Reaches 2 and 3 log placement
October 3, 2020