Terrestrial Management Plans and Reports
T-LA 1 > Terrestrial Resources
Article 411 > Marbled Murrelets
T-LA 2 > Noxious Weeds
Relicensing Studies Reports
SP 7: Special Status Plan Survey Report >
January 2008
SP 8: Noxious Weed Inventory Report >
January 2008
SP 9: Wetland Surveys Report >
October 2008 (~170MB)
SP 10: Amphibian Survey Report >
October 2008
SP 12: Northern Spotted Owl Surveys Report >
October 2008
Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Plant Survey
A field survey for threatened, endangered, and sensitive plant species (TES) was undertaken in the 1989 field season as part of planned land transfers of public forest ownership to private forest ownership, and vice versa. Dated October 1989.
Biological Evaluation of Spada Land Exchange
The biological evaluation is a means of conducting the review and documenting for profound effects , or no effects, to those species and their habitats. A general overview of resource values in and around the proposed Spada Land Exchange addresses wildlife concerns t o insure compliance with the law and implement sound management decisions. Dated 1990.
Wildlife Habitat Management Plan
WHMP Index and Chapters 1 through 3 >
Index, 1.0 Introduction, 2.0 Habitat Enhancement Methods, 3.0 Mgmt Tract Descriptions and Prescriptions
WHMP Chapters 4 through 9 >
4.0 Monitoring Program, 5.0 Schedule, 6.0 HEP Assessment, 7.0 Economic Analysis, 8.0 References, 9.0 Glossary
WHMP Appendices A through D >
A. Description of Vegetation Cover Types, B. Habitat Requirements of HEP Evaluation Species, C. Regulatory Requirements, D. Landowner Agreements
WHMP Appendix E >
E. Agency and Public Consultation
WHMP Appendices F1 through F2 >
F1. Results of 1982 Impact HEP Update, F2. Results of Mitigation HEP
WHMP Appendix F3 >
F3. HSI Models
WHMP Appendix G >
G. Water Quality Constraints Document
WHMP Spada Lake Supplement >
January 1997
WHMP Spada Lake Supplement >
January 2007