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Community News Safety & Reliability March 23, 2023

Sky Valley Substation takes shape

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Sky Valley Substation takes shape

On a frigid morning, crews work to assemble the PUD’s newest substation. The Sky Valley Substation overlooks the town of Monroe. When completed, it will play a vital role in the PUD’s ability to serve the ever-growing electrical load in Monroe and surrounding areas, in addition to creating important redundancy.

As you can probably imagine, building a new substation is no small task. It’s an all-hands-on-deck type of job. Since January 2, work has been underway day and night to accommodate residents and local businesses, and to keep the project on schedule. Assembly of the steel structure has begun in earnest; transport breakers and transmission switches have been installed, and an assortment of grounding has been completed.

Work overhead and underground is also being completed to make sure that everything is properly connected. Over the last month, crews have been installing vaults and switches for the new substation, removing old lines and placing new transmission lines.

Construction of the substation is scheduled to be completed in mid-June 2023.