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August 30, 2021

Melissa Collins

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Melissa Collins

Melissa has worked for the PUD since 2012. She manages and leads various executive programs and activities supporting the Board of Commissioners and the CEO/General Manager, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations, PUD Directives, and Board Governance Policies. Melissa serves as a liaison for the Board of Commissioners with the CEO/General Manager, Executive Leadership Team, and other PUD staff and is the Project Manager for the utility’s DEI Initiative. Various duties include identifying and monitoring critical issues, coordinating executive activities, and making recommendations to the CEO/General Manager and Executive Leadership Team.

Melissa reports to the CEO/GM and oversees the day-to-day operations of the CEO/General Manager and Commission offices. Her team is responsible for the oversight and conduct of Commission meetings, agenda planning, packet materials, resolutions, and minutes; compliance with RCW and PUD policies; maintenance of Governance policies and official CEO/GM and Commission records; budget planning and development; department automation; records management; records disposition and retention schedules; public records disclosure; customer inquiries and issues; research; planning and development; staff training and education; and administration of the CEO/GM and Commission websites.

Melissa is a member of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) and the Washington Municipal Clerks Association (WMCA). Melissa was appointed to the WMCA Executive Board in March 2017 for a three-year term. Melissa earned her Certified Municipal Clerks Certification from IIMC in June 2010 and completed her Master Municipal Clerk Certification in May 2016.