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August 30, 2021

Jason Zyskowski

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Jason Zyskowski

Jason started at the PUD in 2004 as an Electrical Engineer in the Distribution and Engineering Services Division. He worked on several renewable generation projects, substation upgrades, numerous automation projects, and was the Project Manager for the PUD’s first Energy Storage System.

Jason became of the Manager of Substation Engineering in 2013 and the Senior Manager of Planning, Engineering and Technical Services in 2017. In 2019, he also became Senior Manager over Transmission and Distribution System Operations.

In March 2020, Jason was selected as the Chief Energy Resources Officer. In this role, he is responsible for the PUD’s office facilities, generation (including the Jackson Hydro Project), setting the PUD’s electric rates and purchasing power and transmission service to provide the utility with the resources it needs to keep the lights on.

Jason has a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the University of Washington and is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Washington. Outside of work, Jason enjoys spending time with his family and many outdoor activities.