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You’ve decided to install Level-2 or Level-3 EV charging. Now what?

The installation of new charging infrastructure can have a sizable impact on the PUD’s electrical system, depending on the number and size of the chargers being installed. Coordinating with your PUD engineer as early in the process as possible is highly recommended.

Step 1 > Apply: Fill out the Commercial Application with specific details on the number and size of the chargers being installed. If unsure how to proceed, please give us a call at 425-783-1012 (M-F, 8 am to 5 pm) or email

Step 2 > PUD design review: We will review available electrical capacity at your transformer and in the surrounding area. This will help us determine a cost estimate of the charges for the required infrastructure and a time estimate. In general, the greater the number and the larger the size of the chargers, the longer the lead time and cost.

Step 3 > Customer payment of fees: After the final electrical design is completed by our engineers, a cost estimate for the construction costs will be provided to you. Payment of these fees will initiate the planning process, which includes ordering material and preliminary project scheduling.

Step 4 > Customer installs required equipment: Customer is responsible for installing the charging infrastructure (chargers, inverters, metering equipment, etc.) and any vaults and conduit on private property.

Step 5 > PUD energizes your chargers: The PUD will perform all off-site construction and the high-voltage electrical infrastructure (primary wire, transformer, etc.) on your site, including the secondary connections and meter energization.

Congratulations, your commercial EV chargers are operational!

Special installations

For the following special EV charger installations, please contact us for assistance at 425-783-1012 (M-F, 8 am  to 5 pm) or email

  • Electrical loads 2.5 MW and greater
  • Interconnected generation and with or without batteries