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Incentives for energy-efficient new construction

In our ongoing commitment to help build a sustainable future, Snohomish PUD is offering Energy Design Assistance for new commercial, industrial, and multi-family buildings.

This program includes:

  • Performance-based incentives of 45¢ / kWh for highly energy-efficient buildings
  • Additional performance-based incentives for kW reductions during our winter peak hours
  • Additional 25% bonus for all-electric facilities
  • Additional 50% bonus for facilities with a minimum of 51% certified income-qualified units
  • Design meetings with energy-efficiency modeling scenarios
  • Design team stipend

Incentive rates and programs may change without notice. Funding is limited.


  • For commercial, industrial, and multifamily new construction
  • Design must exceed the permitted energy code by at least 10%
  • All projects must be pre-approved
  • All savings will be verified by the PUD

Get started

This program is provided by Willdan for Snohomish PUD.

Get started See program flyer

Loans for Energy-Efficiency Projects

Snohomish County’s Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy & Resiliency (C-PACER) program is an innovative financing mechanism to help commercial, industrial, agricultural and multi-family buildings become more efficient and resilient.

C-PACER does not use any government funds, it is a loan agreement between a private lender and the property owner, like a mortgage or home improvement loan. The unique part about C-PACER financing is that the county records the loan as a lien on the property, which means that if the property owner sells the building, the assessment stays with the building (unless the payoff is part of the sale agreement).

Get the details on the C-PACER program >