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Community News October 19, 2023

Run for Warmth Raises over $4000 for Project PRIDE

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Run for Warmth Raises over $4000 for Project PRIDE

Contributions will help neighbors in need stay warm this winter

Thanks to the generosity of community members, the Run for Warmth 5k/10k in Snohomish, Wash., recently raised over $4000 for Project PRIDE, a Snohomish County PUD program administered by St. Vincent Paul that helps customers in need of assistance with their energy bills.

Project PRIDE stands for Providing Relief for Individuals Dependent on Energy. The program was established in 1982 and has paid out over $3 million to help local people in need. It provides one-time grants for families and individuals who need help paying their energy bills. Project PRIDE is primarily funded by contributions from PUD customers.

“We are so grateful for the generosity of those who participated in, and donated to, the Run for Warmth,” said Jeff Feinberg, Senior Manager Energy Services and Customer Innovation. “The PUD is dedicated to serving all our customers, and we understand that life can be challenging and any one of us could be in a situation where we need help. Our community members’ support of Project PRIDE is an incredible demonstration of our collective generosity. This program is a critical compliment to the other income-qualified programs offered by the PUD.”

Families or individuals whose income is less than 200% of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible to apply for a Project PRIDE grant. Customers can call St. Vincent de Paul at 425-374-1243 to see if they qualify for assistance.

In addition to Project PRIDE, PUD customers have access to programs to help them save money and reduce their bills. The PUD is always working to make these programs more impactful, and more accessible to help customers avoid getting behind on their bills, or their service disconnected. Customers who need help can find additional information about budget payment plans and income-qualified bill assistance on the PUD’s website at:

Customers who wish to contribute to Project PRIDE can visit: Customers can make one-time or ongoing contributions through their bill. When you sign up to support Project PRIDE, 100% of your tax-deductible donation is used to provide one-time grants for families and individuals who need help paying their energy bills. All donations are sent to St. Vincent de Paul for distribution to eligible recipients.