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Safety & Reliability November 27, 2023

Final Pole Set on Stanwood to Camano 115kV Transmission Line

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Final Pole Set on Stanwood to Camano 115kV Transmission Line

After months of night work and battling challenging conditions, crews working on the new Stanwood to Camano 115kV Transmission Line set the final pole in the early morning hours of October 27.

This monumental feat showcased the ingenuity, tenacity and talent of Team PUD. The completed line includes almost 100 poles, many of which involved challenging installations in locations adjacent to water or with a very high water table. Crews developed innovative solutions that allowed the project to stay on schedule while creating substantial savings for our PUD customer-owners.

“Completing the 115kV transmission line is the first of three significant projects that will increase resiliency and redundancy on Camano Island and in Stanwood,” said John Haarlow, PUD CEO/General Manager. “This was not an easy project, and I really can’t express how proud I am of the crews that went above and beyond working nights in challenging conditions for months to bring this project to fruition for our customers.”

The new line is scheduled to be energized by the end of 2023.

Crews will soon start working to rebuild the original 115kV transmission line, including replacing poles and wire in Stanwood and replacing a few poles near Freedom Park on Camano Island. When the project is complete, the 115 kV loop will improve system reliability for Stanwood and Camano Island.