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Join the PUD Trade Ally contractor network

In order for residential customers to be eligible for our heating and weatherization program rebates, work must be done by a PUD Registered Trade Ally. Join our network to become a registered contractor. (Commercial contractors, please see note below.)

Other benefits to joining our network:

As a PUD Registered Trade Ally for our residential heating/weatherization programs, your company can benefit from the following areas of support, providing competitive advantage in a challenging marketplace:

  • Promotional materials & advertising
  • Listing on the PUD website
  • Ability to offer PUD rebates (only registered residential trade allies eligible)
  • Access to training & technical assistance

By promoting PUD programs, your sales can increase and your customers will benefit from PUD rebates.

Residential trade ally requirements:

  • Install eligible equipment to PUD specifications
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Promote PUD energy-efficiency programs and encourage program participation
  • Maintain licenses and insurance

Become a registered residential contractor >

Commercial contractors

You do not have to be registered in our trade ally network to perform work that qualifies our commercial energy-efficiency program rebates. However, if you want to be listed in our website contractor directory, here are the requirements:

  • Complete two successful projects in our energy-efficiency programs
  • Be licensed & insured
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Promote PUD energy-efficiency programs and encourage program participation

To stay in the directory, you must complete one successful project a year. If interested in being listed in our directory, please send an email to