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Connect Up: Water

Along with deploying new electric advanced meters, the PUD is also exchanging all of its more than 23,000 water meters over the next three years. These new advanced water meters will provide customers with a variety of benefits, including:

Water drop being looked at with magnifying glassDetailed water usage: Customers will receive detailed insight into how much water they are using in one-hour increments on their bill and through the MySnoPUD customer portal. Customers can use that information to make more informed decisions to save water.

Broken leaky water pipeLeak detection: Customers will have the ability to quickly see unusual spikes in water usage and identify a leak. This capability will save money and water.

Truck with water drop on side in motionNo more meter reading: Remote meter reading means no more PUD employees on your property reading your meter each month. It also means fewer PUD cars and trucks on the road emitting greenhouse gases.

The PUD’s water utility serves residential and business customers over nine separate water systems in Lake Stevens, Granite Falls and other rural communities in Snohomish County.

Installation of an advanced water meterPUD water customers will not be able to opt out of the Connect Up program and will receive a new advanced water meter.

During the meter installation process, customers can expect a brief interruption of their water service. This shouldn’t last more than 20 to 30 minutes unless issues are encountered.

Take note: if your water appears discolored or dirty after your meter exchange, either turn on your outside faucet for a brief time or run COLD water through your bathtub for 10-15 minutes. This occasionally occurs after a meter exchange because iron and manganese sediments have been stirred up during installation. If your water does not clear up after that period, call PUD Customer Service at 425-783-1000.

Over the past six months, PUD water service specialists have exchanged thousands of meter boxes to prepare them for the new meters. This work continues and customers will be contacted if a new meter box is required.

For more information on advanced water meters or the installation process, call PUD Water Customer Service at 425-397-3000.

Click here for an important message to our customers about ongoing meter replacements