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Connect Up: Opt Out

The PUD’s Board of Commissioners is committed to giving customers options and has approved an opt-out policy for the Connect Up program. Customers who opt-out of Connect Up will not be able to access the benefits that come with the Connect Up, including detailed energy usage, on-demand customer service and eventually outage detection and new rate designs that could save you money.

What benefits will I miss out if I opt-out?

Important note: Customers who opt out will receive a new meter with the communication radio disabled.

Watch the video below to learn more about the benefits that come with advanced meters.

The PUD has approved two opt-out options:

  • Customers can have a PUD meter reader read their meter for a monthly fee of $25.
  • Customers can submit a picture of their meter and perform a self-read each month for a monthly processing fee of $5 per meter.

Eligibility: Not all customers are eligible to opt out of Connect Up. Some examples of customers who are not eligible to opt-out include:

  • Customers who live in multi-unit residences with more than four units
  • Water customers
  • Commercial and industrial customers
  • Customers with net-metering and/or temporary services
  • Customers who live on Hat Island

To opt out of Connect Up, customer eligibility must be approved by the PUD. Please call 425-783-1000 to determine eligibility and request an application to opt-out.