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High school photography contest

2023 Photo Contest logo - Energy in Action

See the winning photos for 2023!

The 2023 theme was “Energy in Action”

Remember that energy comes in many forms including: radiant, thermal, potential (more power to those who can capture this!), electrical, motion, sound, chemical.


All high school students in grades 9-12 who live in Snohomish County or on Camano Island are eligible to enter. This contest is closed, winners were announced April 26, 2023.

Contest rules

  • Your photo must be taken by you (no outside help, please!) and may not include copyrighted content.
  • Photos may be submitted as prints via mail or as a high-resolution digital image electronically via our website.
  • All submissions must be in landscape (horizontal) orientation.
    Graphic showing orientation of art contest submissions (horizontal)
  • For printed submissions, photos must be unmounted, 10” x 8” or 11” x 8.5”, may be either black-and-white or color, and must be printed on photographic stock.
  • For printed submissions, a completed registration form must be taped to the back your photo (see link below to download the form). No staples, please!
  • For electronic submissions, your digital image must be high-resolution (240 ppi/dpi or higher) at least 1 MB in size but no larger than 250 MB. See below for link to submit your photo. Fill out the form, attach your file and submit.
  • Only one photo per student (multiple small photos on one sheet or in one file are not allowed).
  • Photographers retain ownership of all copyrights. However, submitted materials will not be returned and will become the property of Snohomish County PUD.
  • By submitting an image for entry into this contest, you automatically give the PUD permission and rights to display, post, use and store the image and your name as photographer indefinitely in any media without notification or charge.

Any submission that does not meet the above criteria will not be considered.

Timeline & submission information

Entries must be received by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, March 29, 2023. All photos should be mailed to Heather Herbst at Snohomish County PUD, PO Box 1107, Everett, WA 98206-1107 or submitted via the PUD website.


Entries will be judged on: how well the photograph illustrates the theme “Energy in Action,” artistic merit and technical quality. Winners will be notified by Wednesday, April 26, 2023.


Up to 5 entries will be selected, with each winning photographer receiving $75.

Additional information

If you have questions about the contest, contact Heather Herbst at

Teacher Bonus!

You could win a $250 Amazon gift card to help you promote energy, environmental and/or water education in your classroom.
Your name will be entered into a drawing for each of your students who participate in our contest. Increase your odds!
Encourage your students to participate and make sure your name is included on the “Teacher’s Name” line of the entry form. Good luck!