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Middle school learning

Middle school learners will get excited to learn about hydropower and renewable energy. Interested in having a guest speaker for your class? Email Kelly at

Students around laptops and tablets

In-person middle school workshops

Public and larger private schools in Snohomish County and on Camano Island may request these FREE workshops for their 6th-* to 8th-grade classes. To schedule these workshops, email

*These workshops are most successful on a secondary school period schedule and were not designed for an elementary classroom. If you’re a sixth grade teacher at an elementary school, please email to discuss if scheduling this program at your school is appropriate.

Day 1 > Hydropower: Energy and Systems

Hydropower lesson logoWorkshop objectives and overview: Students will be introduced to Snohomish County PUD and learn about energy and systems concepts, including energy transfers, transformations and forms of energy. They will be able to identify how these concepts are related to hydropower. Students will also make connections to the social and environmental impacts of hydropower and why this is a key energy source in Snohomish County. Hydropower will serve as an introduction to renewable energy systems which will be further explored on day-two of the workshop.

Day 2 > Renewables: The Future of Energy

Renewables lesson logoWorkshop objectives and overview: Students will learn about renewable energy sources such as wind, biomass, and solar energy. They will review the different forms of energy and how energy is transferred and transformed within a system using these energy sources as examples. Students will then work collaboratively to discover how renewable energy sources are utilized locally along with new energy storage technology. They will learn about the future of energy in Snohomish County and receive an introduction to ideas about career connections.

Podcast: Past, Present & Future of Energy in Washington

Listen now  Podcast discussion guide 

The podcast discussion guide also references this Comparing Energy Sources document.

Virtual field trip: Woods Creek Hydro Project

6 minutes

Download teacher guide