Additional resources
Biogas > Qualco Energy
Starting in January 2014, the PUD began purchasing energy from Qualco Energy, which operates a biogas facility south of Monroe. It generates energy from a mix of waste products, including cow manure, restaurant trap grease, expired alcohol and soda and other biowastes. The biogas plant offers several benefits. In addition to producing energy, it keeps rivers clean from manure runoff, helping salmon survive. It also creates a market for waste products, which might otherwise go into landfills. As part of the process, the facility also produces compost for farming. It generates up to 450 kilowatts – or enough to power about 300 customers’ homes. Qualco Energy is a nonprofit partnership between Northwest Chinook Recovery, the Tulalip Tribes and the Sno/Sky Agricultural Alliance.
Beginning in early 2022, PUD is partnering to operate a new generator at the Qualco biodigester. This partnership will enable the PUD to maximize generation from the plant increasing the output to 675 kilowatts, which nearly doubles the output from the site – or enough to power about 500 customer homes. Qualco Energy is a nonprofit partnership between Northwest Chinook Recovery, the Tulalip Tribes and the Sno/Sky Agricultural Alliance. The PUD is excited to add to the partnership with local agriculture and Tribes.
Biofuel > Hampton Lumber
On November 1, 2006, Hampton Lumber’s cogeneration plant in Darrington became commercially operable, providing it with an economical source of steam to dry lumber in its drying kilns. At the same time, since the wood-waste is consumed at the plant as fuel, it also solves another problem by not having to haul away the waste by trucks. For the PUD, the plant creates another renewable resource to add to the utility’s power supply portfolio. The cogeneration plant produces two megawatts on average – or enough electricity to power about 1,500 homes.
Landfill gas > Klicktat County PUD
In 1998, the PUD executed a contract with Klickitat County PUD for energy from the H.W. Hill landfill gas power plant for the 1999-2009 period.
The plant converts methane gas that is produced by the solid waste at the Roosevelt Regional Landfill (one million tons of waste = 1 megawatt). In November 2008, the PUD secured an additional power purchase agreement for 2 megawatts that expired in Fall 2015.
Hays Canyon Wind Project
The PUD executed two long-term power purchase agreements in February 2009 for 100% of the wind energy from the Hay Canyon Wind Project. This 100.8 megawatt project is located in north central Oregon, along the Columbia River Gorge. The project has 48 turbines and an estimated annual output of 29 average megawatts.
White Creek Wind Project
The PUD purchases 6 megawatts of power on average from its 10% share of the White Creek Wind Project, located in Klickitat County, Washington. This wind project has 89 turbines with a nameplate capacity of 204 megawatts. The project is co-owned by Cowlitz PUD, Klickitat PUD, Lakeview Light & Power and Tanner Electric Cooperative, and produces an average of 68 megawatts of power.
Wheat Field Wind Project
In September 2008, the PUD executed a long-term power purchase agreement for 100% of the output from the Wheat Field Wind Project. This 97 megawatt project is located near the City of Arlington, in north central Oregon. The project has 46 turbines and an estimated annual output of 28 average megawatts.
PUD customers have hit an energy milestone: their combined solar energy production now stands at about 15 megawatts. Hundreds of customers now cover part of their electricity needs through their own renewable energy, including rooftop solar units.
The PUD offers technical assistance to customers who install solar photovoltaic at their homes and businesses. Customers who generate their own power may also be eligible to receive credit for the energy generated.
For more information:
- Solar & net metering – credit for energy generated by customers
- Solar options – solar installations