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Net Metering Bill Update

A recent PUD billing change will impact net metering customers over the next few months. When the PUD retired the minimum daily charge on April 1, the change caused a billing issue that is applying net metering credits to the entirety of a net metering customer’s bill, including the base and other charges. This is not in line with the PUD’s net metering program policy, which allows net metering production credits to only be applied to energy charges.

A fix to the billing system should be in place soon.

The marked-up bill below provides information to better understand how net metering is reflected on your billing statement.

Front of net metering bill Back of net metering bill

To view a pdf of the marked-up billing statement, click here.


How will this impact net metering customers’ bills?

Until fixed, the PUD billing system will incorrectly apply net metering credits to all charges on net metering customers’ bills. Policy for the PUD’s net metering program only allows net metering credits to be applied to a customer’s energy charge. This may result in you and other net metering customers receiving bills with a zero balance. Instead of saving your extra net metering credits in your net metering reserve balance, we will save them as an account balance until the billing system is fixed.

Why must net metering customers pay a base charge?

All PUD customers pay a base charge to pay for fixed costs that all customers connected to the grid are responsible for, including meter maintenance and billing. The PUD works diligently to maintain grid infrastructure so that power is available anytime all PUD customers connected to the grid need it, including net metering customers who rely on the grid when their system is not producing electricity.

Will any excess account credits be zeroed-out in March when my net metering credit reserve is?

No. Any account credits you accrue will continue to be applied to your account balance until they are depleted.

Will the excess net metering production credits also cover any PUD water charges?

Yes. Until the billing issues is resolved, additional net metering credits will be applied to net metering customers’ entire PUD account balance, including water charges (if they are a water customer) and any taxes. We are working to fix this error as soon as possible.

Can I receive my credit as a check?

No. The account balance credits can only be applied to future charges on your account.