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Rebates for heat pump water heaters

We’ve partnered with manufacturers and local retailers to offer $500 off new energy-saving heat pump water heaters (HPWH). They’re ENERGY STAR® certified, so you can be sure you’re making the most energy efficient choice.

To receive this rebate, visit a participating retailer and scan the in-store PUD QR code with your mobile device or visit Follow the prompts to receive your coupon, which will appear on screen and be sent to your email. Then, present your digital coupon at checkout.

You can also complete this process before you visit the participating retailer and present your digital coupon at checkout.

Before you buy a HPWH, make sure it’s right for your home (see information below).

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See qualifying models

Is a HPWH right for you?

HPWHs work like a refrigerator, but in reverse. While a refrigerator pushes heat from inside the unit out to the air around it, a HPWH uses fans and an evaporator to pull warmth from the surrounding air and transfers it to water in the storage tank. Because it uses the warm ambient air temperature to do most of the work, it is a very efficient way to heat water. Learn more from our friends at Hot Water Solutions, an initiative of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. (Heat pump water heaters are also known as electric hybrid water heaters.)

Considerations when determining if a HPWH is right for you:

  • For the most efficient operation, the air temperature where the HPWH is installed should average 40 degrees F or above.
  • Because the heat pump exhausts cool air in the area where it is located, the HPWH should be installed in a location that would isolate cool air, or be ducted to the outside.
  • The mechanical components of a HPWH generate noise – similar to a dishwasher (around 45 decibels). Consider the noise factor in making your purchase decision and placement.
  • Overall, the ideal location for a HPWH is in a garage or unheated/unfinished basement.

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