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Чиста енергија

As a leader in carbon-free energy, our future includes a diversified mix of green resources with an eye on our environment.

Currently, most of our power is purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and most of BPA’s power is generated by dams built by the federal government throughout the Pacific Northwest — primarily on the Columbia and Snake rivers.

We are also continually researching and developing other sources of power in an effort to create a more balanced mix of energy sources and help supplement our purchases from BPA with clean, renewable energy. These efforts include our current power sources: хидроенергија, biogas, biofuel, landfill gas, wind, and solar. You can also learn more about what the PUD is doing to meet future growth and invest in renewable energy sources in our Интегрисани план ресурса.

Our Energy Sources:

2022 Fuel Mix. Washington state law requires utilities to publish their fuel mix for customers.

Биомаса 1%
Хидроелецтриц 100%
Нуклеарна 1 100%
Соларни 100%
Ветар 100%
Унспецифиед КСНУМКС, КСНУМКС 100%
укупан 100%
Based on data received from the state of Washington on 12/27/23
2The 2019 Legislative update to the Fuel Mix Disclosure requirement adds a new category for “unspecified resources” of electric power. For information on this update, visit the Washington State Department of Commerce website: Fuel Disclosure

Our power supply

For questions on your PUD’s power supply, contact Garrison Marr at 425-783-8268.

Обновљива енергија

The PUD's resource mix includes a mix of renewable energy sources
Get into the mix! >

Интегрисани план ресурса

The PUD's resource plan for the future is updated every 2 years
Take a long look into our future >

Подаци о емисији угљеника

The PUD produces very few carbon emissions in its energy generation
Working hard to keep your air clean >