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Community Environment News Safety & Reliability September 05, 2024

Help Shape the PUD’s Energy Future at Upcoming Interactive Open Houses

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Help Shape the PUD’s Energy Future at Upcoming Interactive Open Houses

Community members can provide valuable input and see if they qualify for free appliances

Snohomish PUD is hosting two in-person open houses and one virtual event to better understand how customers would like the utility to address future energy demands in the 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).

The first session will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 11, at Cedar Valley Community School in Lynnwood (19200 56th Ave W., Lynnwood). Spanish speaking resources will be available.

The second event will be held virtually as part of the PUD’s Power Talks series on Thursday, Sept. 12 at noon. Community members can register at

The third session will be on Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Snohomish Senior Center (506 4th St., Snohomish). All three free events will have interactive opportunities for customers and community members to share important information about their home energy usage and their priorities for the PUD’s future investments.

The in-person events will also include an opportunity to learn about the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) program, which will distribute free energy-efficient appliances, including washers, dryers, induction stovetops and heat pump water heaters to qualifying customers. The HEAR program will be launching shortly and remain open until June 2025 or as funding allows.

“This is a great opportunity for community members to share important feedback with us, while learning how they can access programs to help lower their energy usage, including potentially getting free energy-efficient appliances for their home,” said John Haarlow, PUD CEO/General Manager.

These three events are the final opportunities for customers to make sure their input is integrated into the planning process for the 2025 IRP and the 2025 Clean Energy Implementation Plan.

To view the 2023 IRP, visit