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Spada Lake Reservoir & Sultan River conditions

Water releases

On Sunday, April 28, the PUD will temporarily open a valve at the base of Culmback Dam to release additional water in the upper Sultan River.  While the river will rise (ascend) and fall (descend) with this release, the peak discharge of approximately 750 cfs will occur over a 2-hour period between 9 and 11 am.

Please visit the Whitewater boating page for whitewater boating releases.


View NOAA weather information >

View Culmback Dam rain data & Spada Lake water levels >

View USGS real-time data for river flows >

Sultan River wind conditions

Please click the image below to view current wind conditions and any important hazardous wind alerts on Sultan Basin Road to Culmback Dam. High winds have been linked to tree blowdowns on Sultan Basin Road in the Spada Lake Reservoir basin and along the Sultan River.

Link to Wind Detection Dashboard for Sultan Basin Road